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Fitness Life Marketing…..Marketing to Help Your Club Shine in the Summertime

Fitness Life Marketing.....Marketing to Help Your Club Shine in the Summertime











Fitness Life Marketing…..Marketing to Help Your Club Shine in the Summertime

The dog days of summer may be upon us, but that is no reason to slow down on your marketing efforts. In fact it is the perfect time to re-examine your fall marketing plan, and if you’re lucky, even bring in a few new clients now! Ask yourself the following: Fitness Life Marketing

How much can we afford to spend in advertising, even if it doesn’t immediately bring in more funds?

Why would anyone choose to do business with us? What need do we fill? And do we convey that in our advertising?

What is the best use of our ad dollars?

While you are mulling over these questions, consider infusing one or several of the following marketing ideas into your plan.

Direct Mail
Fitness Life Marketing
Once you have decided on a marketing message, it is time to get the word out. You have two options when it comes to direct marketing. If you have the marketing dollars to support it, you can enlist the help of an ad agency and produce a beautiful campaign including postcards, door hangers, and ads for local newspapers and magazines. If not, consider using a direct marketing house that focuses on this industry such as Get Members. Such companies offer a costeffective, almost effortless option with palatable results. Either way, you must first decide on a focused campaign that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

Search Engine Advertising
Fitness Life Marketing
Advertising your club on major search engines such as Google and Yahoo! can further increase the exposure of your club to new clients. And you can actually target this advertising more than you might think allowing you to bring continuity to your overall advertising message. And if you are currently asking how potential members have found you, you already know that the Internet has become one of, if not the most popular mediums among consumers who are interested in joining health clubs!

Joint Promotions
Fitness Life Marketing
While you are relaxing some summer evening, take some time to look outside the box. Jot down several non-competing businesses in the area that you consider to be successful. Ask yourself, “How can we partner on a unique promotion that will benefit all parties?” This proven strategy produces dramatic results – for very little expense. It can also solidify your place within the community.

Niche Markets
Fitness Life Marketing
Summertime is no time to rest on your laurels. Take the opportunity to research emerging trends and niche markets. Between trade publications, member surveys, and the Internet, you have the opportunity to cross the threshold of autumn armed with the knowledge to set yourself apart from your competition. But don’t stop there; develop customized versions of your advertising appealing to the prospects in each niche. Offer specific solutions to meet unique needs and you’ll uncover new groups of customers eager to buy from you. And if you spot a new trend within your community before your competitors – and take action – you will most likely become the market leader in your area.

Opt-In Email Marketing
Fitness Life Marketing
Depending on your locality, your members may be out in the great outdoors or retreating from the heat at home. Either way, you can still reach out to them with a gentle reminder to stay in shape, or to bring a friend to your refreshing pool. You might even want to organize a member appreciation event that allows your members to enjoy your facility with friends and family. Whatever you decide to convey, sending email blasts to current and potential members in your area who have chosen to receive fitnessoriented emails from you is a great way to drum up business now as well as in the coming months. The key is to engage your audience without annoying them. As a rule of thumb, do not email market to your members more often then every 20 days, or you will find your opt-out list growing faster than your member base.

Adventurous Ideas
Fitness Life Marketing
If you can’t beat them, join them! If you members aren’t coming in the club right now, maybe you should consider taking your club to them. Simply organize a few summer outings to popular spots in your state. Sign up members and potential members for group activities with a healthy edge. Each adventure allows participants to enjoy healthy activities with like-minded individuals. The buzz you create around these mini adventures is the perfect plan to end the summer doldrums and increase activity in the club.

While many of your members and potential members may be on vacation this summer, your marketing efforts need not be. Summertime is a great time of year to revisit your marketing plan and experiment with creative new ideas. The end result will be a summer sprinkled with new members and a cornucopia of new memberships by Thanksgiving.

Sponsored by: Fitness Life Marketing 1-888-541-0714 ext2

 Article Research Contributor: Amerishape Weight Loss

Fitness Life Marketing…..Marketing to Help Your Club Shine in the Summertime

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