
Fitness Life Marketing: Zack Hunt…… An Easy (And Effective) Fitness Marketing Method That Works 24/7 without Any Work









       Zach Hunt is the owner and head fitness trainer of Physzique, a semi-private fitness training studio in Spokane, WA. Check out http://www.SpokaneFitnessCoach.com to see how Zach has implemented the web strategies that have put his business marketing on auto-pilot.




An Easy (And Effective) Fitness Marketing Method That

Works 24/7 without Any Work!



By far and away my favorite way to marketing my Personal Training Business is through the Internet.


Not only is it fun and easy (once you know what to do), it works for you on auto-pilot without you doing any work.


Imagine a system that doesn’t require any work on your part and just spits out phone calls to you and phone numbers from online forms of people that are hot and bothered and ready to purchase your training today. That’s what my website does.


First a little background info, a website does require upfront effort, there’s no doubt in that, but once you have things in place, you don’t really need to make many edits or tweaks, or at least not more than an hour a month.


Just the other day I was looking at my website statistics (traffic, conversions, etc.) and I just have to share this with you.


Most people target keywords like city personal trainer, city fitness, city weight loss, and it is obvious that you should rank for keywords like:


    * (local city) personal trainer

    * (local city) fitness

    * (local city) weight loss

    * And so on with about 37 other keywords relating to fitness


But once you’re rank in top positions on Google and preferably multiple listings for those keywords, where do you go from there?


I have to warn you this gets a bit strange, but check this out.


While checking my stats I noticed a lot of my conversions / clients are coming from some pretty bizarre sources and keywords. Here’s a few of the keywords that people have found me through.


    * Spokane cabinets – started as a joke to show a few friends of mine how to rank for a keywords, but now I’m #1 for that keywords without hardly any effort


    * flying monkeys Spokane – this is pretty bizarre, in fact who searches this?


    * anytime fitness cost – didn’t even try to rank for this keyword but no like #4 or 5 on a national level


    * best cinnamon rolls Spokane – don’t think I rank high for this one anymore, but obviously I didn’t try to rank for this one


    * I want to be fashionable – interesting is all I have to say, I don’t think I rank high for this one anymore


    * Spokane snow march 9th – It snowed yesterday here in Spokane, WA quite a bit, and just because my site is becoming like an authority site for


And my personal favorite >>>> Spokane News


I ranked for this one a little while ago while having fun with keywords. I was like #3 or 4 for a month or so then stopped caring about it. This was above other TV stations / local newspapers. One of the only sites above me was the big local newspaper. I didn’t even try that hard, only fired a few good links at this site.


Normally I wouldn’t care if people visit my site unless they convert, but that’s the great thing is they did convert, I had even asked where they came from and what article they got to. They read that article, went to my conversion page and wham they’re contacting me.


So the point here is, there are a lot of people directly searching for personal training in the search engines. But there are also a lot of people not searching for personal training; however, they are still online. If you can get them to somehow stumble on your website and find out that they do indeed want personal training, then that’s when you strike gold.


Here’s where it get’s interesting, about half or so of my clients that come from my website are from people not even seeking out training or fitness solutions they just happen to stumble upon my website.


They read my entire website through, watch the video, they get hot and bothered and they discover that they do want to get in better shape. They may have never even considered training as an option before, or they may have though personal trainers are for the rich only, especially with most people’s current mindset of the economy and so on.


So here’s what you should do. Have your website be a local authority website for your city. Have a ton of content, a ton of worthwhile pages, and make it so people want to come back, fire a ton of back links at it, rank for a ton of keywords and you’re all set. It’s not hard; it just takes effort up front.


This strategy does require effort, but oh boy is that effort worth it.  Soon you’ll have people chasing you down and a waiting list longer than you can handle.





An Easy (And Effective) Fitness Marketing Method

 That Works 24/7 without Any Work!






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